Additional EHS Services
Optima is proud to partner with Highpoint Environmental Health and Safety. Highpoint has helped companies mitigate risk, ensure compliance and reduce environmental impact for over 20 years. Their innovative services include RFID code access from smart devices for training, SDS and more. The many services they provide include:
Highpoint EHS Services:
Facility Inspection with inspection reports (Tracking discrepancies/completions optional)
Facility specific employee safety trainings (Completed live, online, or both)
Training attendance record retention
Facility specific toolbox topics/handouts (Can be utilized for remote site training)
Secure online company safety portal (View trainings, SDS’, programs, etc.)
Written safety programs for present facility hazards and requirements
Facility specific new employee orientation program (Offered digitally or physically)
Certified First-Aid, CPR, and AED training for first responders (Accredited by National Safety Council)
Forklift training and certification services
Lockout/tagout training, procedure development, and periodical inspections
Respiratory fit-testing and training
Safety Data Sheet (SDS’) procurement & chemical inventory management
JHA’s/JSA’s - Job Hazard Analysis/Job Safety Analysis
Safety committee assistance (Can direct, participate, or observe)
OSHA 300 logs, accident reporting, and near miss reporting assistance
OSHA inspection/visitation assistance (In person, on phone or through preferred channels)
Insurance inspection/visitation assistance (In person, on phone or through preferred channels)
On-call assistance and guidance for all levels of employees
& many more based on the scope of the client’s wants and needs
Visit Highpoint at: http://www.highpointehs.com/